Chemical Leaman Tank Lines

Chemical Leaman Tank Lines

Chemical Leaman Tank Lines
Exton, PA
MC-110525 DoT 80806
1961 Chemical Tank Lines merged with the 2 Leaman companies creating Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc. (CLTL) Leaman was sold to Apollo Advisors in 1998 and then merged with Montgomery Tank Lines. The combined entity was later named Quality Carriers

Profiled in Mike Terebecki's The Trucking Pioneers Book IV (click image to see Book index)


Patches of it that are in my project - Facebook Trucking Industry Insignia Patches

c01b c02b c04b

Other known patches


If you want your own trucking company memoribilia:
Items available on eBay
Note that patches sold by "freedomfifty2k" and "bob82ndabn325inf"are likely promo/replica patches, not patches actually used by the company represented.